The Journey

First thing first, I would like to show my gratitude to Jenna Eason, who's enlightening blog has inspired me to create my own. Jenna graduated from the Master's program here at NC State's College of Textiles in 2009, her research was on the history and future trends of automotive textile design ( So, I just wanted to thank Jenna for giving me the idea to create this blog, which I hope will be used to inspire further gradutate students to follow in our footsteps and carry on this tradition.

I have always been fascinated with complexity and engineering of automobiles and how they work. Since I was young, I have always been drawn to cars,the design, attention to detail and a passion for driving. An extensive amount of processes must work in perfect synergy in order for an automobile to be an efficient driving machine.

Everyday research is progressing the technology in automobiles, making them faster, more user friendly, more cost and energy efficient. My research is in light weight composite materials to be used in automobiles. The aim of my research is to investigate processes and materials which could be cost efficient means of creating strong three-dimensional structural components.

I have three key purposes for this blog:

1. An educational source focusing on textile-related materials that are or could be utilized by the automotive industry. When using the term "textiles" in the automotive field, one may only envision seat cloths or headliners, when I would like to use this blog as an eye opener to the world of functional technical textiles. Materials such as woven carbon fiber composites have been floating around in the industry for years, however, the spectrum is open to so many more possibilities. I would like to open the blog to the entire spectrum, from eco-friendly biocomposites, to exotic three-dimensional nonwovens, the sky is the limit. I anticipate that this focus will shed light on the promising relationship that the textiles industry will have in the future of automobiles.

2. This will be a journal I will use to document my process through my thesis research. I have always found it easier to comprehend a situation if I have the opportunity to write out my thoughts. I hope to use this blog as a creative expression of my research while having the opportunity to present my experiences through my journey. I would appreciate any suggestions, advice, and ideas.

3. Finally, I would like to utilize this blog as a guide to any other graduate students through their research. I hope this will help inspire others and even answer any questions about the process. I have always been one to say, do what makes you happy and don't let anything stand in your way. So when the opportunity comes knocking to give you the chance to do something you love, don't think twice and always give it 100%.

First order of business, to find a specific thesis topic...

"Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal. Prepare yourself in every way you can by increasing your knowledge and adding to your experience, so that you can make the most of the opportunity when it occurs."

-Mario Andretti

Monday, April 11, 2011

Audi Pole2Pole

I know it has been awhile since my last update, but I am proud to say that I have been dedicating my time wisely. I have finished my thesis and it is now in digital format on the North Carolina State University's Electronic Thesis and Dissertations (ETD) website! The title is "Analysis of Directed Fiber Placement using Air Laying Using Air Laying Technique", it basically covers a novel technique to create controlled alignment of fibers in a nonwoven using only air. These nonwoven mats have the potential to be used as composite preforms in weight reduction applications.

Now that we have caught up, lets move on to the subject of interest! Audi announced a partnership with adventurer Johan Ernst Nilson for a year long journey from the North Pole to the South Pole (around 12,000 miles!). The reason why it is scheduled to take an entire year is because this adventure will be done in a carbon-neutral manner, meaning he CANNOT USE A VEHICLE.

This expedition will consist of several legs, the first of which starts at the North Pole to the northeastern tip of Greenland and will be covered using skis and a sled. Nilson will cross North, Central and South America by bicycle and sail from Patagonia to the Antarctic. The last leg of his journey across the icy plains to the South Pole will be traversed using skis being pulled by a kite-sail.

Nilson has been able to test out his gear under extreme conditions in Audi's Wind Tunnel and cold chamber. Audi has designed and fabricated a super-lightweight carbon fiber sled for Nilson's adventure will provide an Audi Q5 as a expedition car and camera team transport to follow his progress.

Although this appears to be a very lavish PR stunt to promote the capabilities of the Audi's line of SUVs, this may also serve as a real world test for certain materials. For example, Nilson will rely on this custom sled designed and built by Audi to transport his supplies across the icy fields of the Antarctic. This provides an excellent test for carbon fiber in real world -40 degree F environments with load and abrasion. In order for Nilson to cross North, South and Central Americas on a bicycle, he will be averaging 62 miles a day. I will bet my dog (and I REALLY like my dog) that his bike will be constructed from carbon fiber composites. Essentially, I hope that this adventure provides some useful knowledge about environmental effects on materials.

By taking solely a materials view on this story, it supports my previous post pertaining to traversing the gap between industries with composites. If you take the final application out of the equation, the requirements for the material or composite could be the same in two different markets. The outcome of the materials used during this journey could help the direction of materials used by Audi in the future.

I truly admire what Audi is doing, promoting expeditions and focusing on the environment. There has been an increase in "get outside and see something" type of marketing lately (just saying, the new Ford Explorer) and I am completely behind that. I look forward to hearing more about this journey and I wish Nilson the best of luck! If you want to read more about this click here.

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